1   package junitour;
3   import junit.framework.TestCase;
4   import junit.framework.TestSuite;
6   /**
7    * This is a set of TestCases (methods have the prefix: test)
8    *
9    * created: by Hostlowsky, at 31.08.2003 / 21:56:06
10   * <pre>
11   *
12   * $Log$
13   * Revision 1.4  2004/12/05 04:35:34  hostlows
14   * better javadoc comments, unused imports
15   *
16   * Revision 1.3  2003/12/04 08:59:04  hostlows
17   * new tests
18   *
19   * Revision 1.2  2003/11/25 21:44:15  hostlows
20   * more tests
21   *
22   * Revision  2003/11/12 23:32:13  hostlows
23   * Initial import.
24   *
25   * Revision 1.1  2003/10/30 07:13:54  hostlows
26   * First release, which can run as a TextUI-Testrunner and
27   * produces an enhanced output: additionally prints the count of
28   * incomplete Tests! It handles examination of incomplete Testcase over
29   * different classloaders now!
30   *
31   *
32   * </pre>
33   * @author $Author: hostlows $, created by  <a href="mailto:hostlows@users.sf.net">Robert Hostlowsky</a>
34   * @version $Revision: 43 $, $Date: 2004-12-05 05:35:34 +0100 (So, 05 Dez 2004) $
35   */
36  public class ExampleTest extends TestCase {
38  	public ExampleTest() {
39  	}
41    /** failing test case
42     */
43    public void testFailure() {
44  		 fail("This test always fails.");
45    }
48    /** throws an Error to let this test case produce an error
49     * @throws Exception
50     */
51  	public void testThrowsException() throws Exception {
52  	  throw new Exception("TestCase with produces an error: it throws an Exception.");
53  	}
56    /** results in an assertion/comparison failure
57     */
58    public void testSimpleFailingComparison() {
59  		assertEquals(	"b=16, c=15, _just any difference__ d=15, e=5",
60                    "b=16, c=15, d=15, e=5" );
61  	}
63    /** throws an Error to let this test case produce an error
64     */
65    public void testThrowsError() throws Error {
66      throw new Error("TestCase with produces an error: it throws an Error.");
67    }
69  	 /** does nothing here: this means that this test case doesn't fail. */
70    public void testNoFailureOk () {
71   }
73    /** throws a Throwable to let this test case produce an error
74     */
75    public void testThrowsThrowable() throws Throwable {
76      throw new Throwable("TestCase with produces an error: it throws a Throwable.");
77    }
79    /** throws a Runtime Exception to let this test case produce an error
80     */
81    public void testThrowsRuntimeException () throws RuntimeException {
82      throw new RuntimeException("Test, throws a RuntimeException.");
83    }
85    /** throws an UnitTestIncompleteError to let this test case produce an failure or
86     * let it be handled with the junitour (marks this test as incomplete! or just ignores it)
87     */
88  	public void testThrowsUnitTestIncompleteError()  {
89  		throw new UnitTestIncompleteError("TestCase with fails: it throws an UnitTestIncompleteError (derived from AssertionFailedError).");
90  	}
92    /** just creates the testsuite object for this class's test methods.
93     *
94     * @return testsuite for this class
95     */
96    public static TestSuite suite() {
97  		return new TestSuite(ExampleTest.class);
98  	}
100 }