1   package junitour;
3   import junit.textui.ResultPrinter;
4   import junit.framework.TestResult;
6   /**
7    * Main: starts the test run for the example tests using the <b>textui</b> TestRunner
8    *
9    * created: by Hostlowsky, at 04.12.2004 / 22:00:27
10   * <pre>
11   *
12   * $Log$
13   * Revision 1.1  2004/12/05 04:35:48  hostlows
14   * class for starting TestRun with Text UI
15   *
16   *
17   * </pre>
18   *
19   * @author $Author: hostlows $, created by Robert Hostlowsky
20   * @version $Revision: 44 $, $Date: 2004-12-05 05:35:48 +0100 (So, 05 Dez 2004) $
21   * @see ExampleTest
22   */
23  public class TextUITest {
25    /** main method to start the test run for the example tests
26     *
27     * starts the test Text-UI runner for this class's test suite.
28     *
29     * @param args
30     */
31    public static void main(String[] args) {
32      ResultPrinter resPrinter = new MyResultPrinter(System.out);
33      final junit.textui.TestRunner testRunner = new junit.textui.TestRunner(resPrinter) {
34           protected TestResult createTestResult() {
35             return new TourTestResult();
36           }
37         };
38       testRunner.doRun(ExampleTest.suite());
39       //	new junit.swingui.TestRunner().run(ExampleTest.class);
40       //	new junitour.swingui.TestRunner().run(ExampleTest.class);
41  	 }
42  }